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README Highlight Issue #41, 2023: Jellyfin

In this week’s issue of README Highlight (#41, 2023), we are taking a look at the following project: Jellyfin.

Jellyfin is a Free Software Media System that allows users to manage and stream media from a dedicated server to end-user devices via multiple apps. It is an alternative to proprietary media server solutions like Emby and Plex. What sets Jellyfin apart is its commitment to being an open-source project with no premium licenses, hidden agendas, or proprietary features.

Jellyfin is descended from Emby’s 3.5.2 release and has been ported to the .NET Core framework, enabling full cross-platform support. It puts users in control of their media, allowing them to organize and stream their media collection on various devices.

To get started with Jellyfin, users can visit the downloads page or refer to the installation guide and quick start guide. For those interested in contributing to the project, there is a contributing guide and community standards available.

Jellyfin supports all major operating systems except FreeBSD and requires the installation of the .NET 7.0 SDK. Users can choose to run Jellyfin with an IDE like Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code, or run it from the command line. The repository also includes unit tests that can be run using dotnet test or in Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code.

For more information about Jellyfin and its features, users can refer to the documentation page and about page. The project also has a feature request hub for users to suggest new ideas or improvements.

Jellyfin is an open-source project supported by DigitalOcean and JetBrains. Users who want to contribute to the project can check out the contributing choose-your-own-adventure to find ways to help and contribute to the project.

In conclusion, Jellyfin is a powerful and open-source media system that gives users full control over their media collection. With its cross-platform support and active community, Jellyfin is a great choice for those interested in managing and streaming media from their own dedicated server.

For more details about Jellyfin, please visit the Jellyfin README.