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Run NixOS in a DigitalOcean Droplet

This little tutorial will show you how to turn an Ubuntu Droplet (VM) on DigitalOcean into a NixOS Droplet using nixos-infect.

Run NixOS using Vagrant

In this tutorial, we’ll create a NixOS virtual machine using Vagrant.

Install vagrant-libvirt on macOS

In this tutorial we’ll install vagrant-libvirt on a Mac running macOS (tested on High Sierra and Mojave).

Upgrade Fedora 30 to 31

This tutorial will show the upgrade process for Fedora from version 30 to version 31.

Deploy Bitwarden on Docker Swarm

In this tutorial, we’ll deploy Bitwarden on Docker Swarm. It’s based on an earlier tutorial on this site, where we deployed Docker Swarm on DigitalOcean.

Deploy GitLab CE on Docker Swarm

This short tutorial demonstrates how simple it is to deploy applications, in this case GitLab CE, with a Docker Swarm cluster.

Run macOS Mojave using Vagrant

This tutorial will guide you through the process of running macOS Mojave in a VM using Vagrant.

Customize Proxmox VE 6.0

This post is a collection of articles and tutorials on customizing the look and feel of Proxmox VE 6.

Install LXD on Alpine Linux

In this tutorial, we’ll install LXD, configure our system to run LXC containers, and initialize LXD on Alpine Linux.