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Debian 12.4: Latest Update Released

Debian 12.4 has been released, superseding Debian 12.3 which had a bug that could potentially cause data corruption. The bug, which was reported under the bug advisory #1057843, concerned issues with kernel-image-6.1.0-14 (6.1.64-1). The latest release, Debian 12.4, includes fixes for this bug, along with other important bug fixes.

Debian 12.4 is an update to the stable distribution Debian 12, codenamed “bookworm”. This point release focuses on correcting security issues and addressing other serious problems. It is important to note that Debian 12.4 does not represent a new version of Debian 12, but rather updates certain packages included in the distribution. Users do not need to discard their old Debian 12 media, as they can simply upgrade their packages to the current versions using an up-to-date Debian mirror.

For users who regularly install updates from, there will be minimal package updates with this point release, as most of the updates have already been included. New installation images will be made available soon at the usual locations.

The update includes a comprehensive list of bug fixes for various packages. The complete list of bug fixes can be found in the Debian 12.4 Changelog. In addition to bug fixes, Debian 12.4 also includes security updates. The Security Team has released advisories for each of these updates, addressing vulnerabilities in packages such as Chromium, Firefox ESR, Exim4, Thunderbird, and more. The installer has also been updated to include the fixes incorporated into the stable release by the point release.

For more information about Debian 12.4, including the complete list of packages that have changed, the current stable distribution, proposed updates, and security announcements, visit the Debian website.