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Upgrade Fedora 30 to 31


This tutorial will show the upgrade process for Fedora from version 30 to version 31.

Fedora is a Linux distribution aimed at servers , workstations , and all kinds of use cases. It runs on both x86_64 and ARM64 , and other platforms.

This tutorial is aimed at Fedora Server, but it should work the same on Fedora Workstation.

Prepare #

First of all, make a backup of your system. System upgrades should work fine, but from time to time they break. So, once again, make a backup.

Next, update the system running version 30:

$ sudo dnf --refresh upgrade

Upgrade to Version 31 #

We’ll need the system-upgrade plugin for the dnf package manager, install it by running:

$ sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade

Now, we’ll download all the upgrades to your machine and prepare for the upgrade:

$ sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=31

Once the upgrades have been downloaded and the upgrade is prepared, start the upgrade process and then reboot:

$ sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot

This will take a while, so hang tight. Once finished, your system will boot into Fedora 31. Congratulations!

Troubleshooting #

If the upgrade managed to break your system, refer to the documentation on how to resolve the issue(s).

If all else fails, revert to your backup and try again.

Last Words #

If you’d like to learn more about Linux, here are some book recommendations (in addition to the Fedora documentation):

Audible has books on Linux topics as well. If you sign up using this link , you’ll get 30 days for free!

Good luck with Fedora 31! 😊

Revision #

2023-08-31 Revised language