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OpenZFS/ZFS on Linux Releases Versions 2.2.2 and 2.1.14, Addressing Critical Data Corruption Issue

OpenZFS has released versions 2.2.2 and 2.1.14 to address a critical data corruption issue.

The bug, which was discovered due to changes in cp in coreutils 9.x, could cause data corruption due to an incorrect dirty dnode check. While it is unlikely that the bug was encountered on EL7, EL8, or EL9 when running cp, it is still recommended that users upgrade to either version 2.2.2 or 2.1.14 to ensure the fix is applied.

In addition to the data corruption fix, the release includes several other bug fixes and improvements. These include fixing ZFS so that snapshots under .zfs/snapshot are NFS visible on FreeBSD, addressing compatibility issues with Linux 6.6, and fixing build and shell-init errors on FreeBSD.

For a full list of changes and bug fixes, refer to the release notes.