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Uptime Kuma Releases Version 1.23.7

Uptime Kuma has recently released version 1.23.7, bringing a range of improvements, bug fixes, and security fixes to the popular server monitoring tool.

In terms of improvements, version 1.23.7 includes the ability to show the original timeout message and adds an additional 10 seconds for the abort signal. This enhancement allows users to better understand and manage timeout issues. Additionally, the error message on abort signal timeout has been improved, thanks to the contribution of @chakflying.

In the bug fixes category, Uptime Kuma has addressed a memory leak issue by ensuring the client postgresql connection is closed after rejection. This fix was made possible by the contribution of @mvaled. Furthermore, the team has decided to revert the “Restart running monitors if no heartbeat” feature, as it was causing issues from version 1.23.4 to 1.23.6.

In terms of security fixes, Uptime Kuma has taken steps to address multiple vulnerabilities. First, an XSS issue in the “Google Analytics ID” text field has been resolved, thanks to the report by @gtg2619. More details about this fix can be found in the advisory GHSA-v4v2-8h88-65qj. Additionally, the Tailscale ping has been rewritten using spawnSync, addressing a security vulnerability reported by @vaadata-pascala. Further information on this issue can be found in the advisory GHSA-hfxh-rjv7-2369. Lastly, Uptime Kuma has made certain functions, such as getGameList and testChrome, only accessible with login, improving overall system security.

Aside from these significant updates, version 1.23.7 also includes various small changes, code refactoring, and comment/documentation updates to enhance the overall user experience.