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README Highlight Issue #47, 2023: Dockge

In this week’s issue of README Highlight (#47, 2023), we are taking a look at Dockge, a fancy, easy-to-use, and reactive self-hosted docker-compose.yml stack-oriented manager. Dockge allows users to easily manage their docker-compose.yml files, create/edit/start/stop/restart/delete containers, and update Docker images. It also features an interactive editor for docker-compose.yml files and a web terminal for easy management.

One of the key features of Dockge is its reactive nature. It provides real-time progress updates and terminal output, making it easy for users to monitor their containers. The UI of Dockge is also designed to be easy-to-use and visually appealing, inspired by the UI/UX of Uptime Kuma.

Dockge follows a file-based structure, ensuring that users have full control over their compose files and can interact with them using normal Docker compose commands. It also provides the ability to convert docker run ... commands into docker-compose.yml format.

To install Dockge, users need to have Docker CE 20+ or Podman installed. The installation process involves creating a directory to store stacks and Dockge’s compose.yaml file, downloading the compose.yaml file, and starting the server using docker compose up -d command.

Dockge supports various platforms including armv7, arm64, and amd64. It is compatible with Docker CE and Podman.

The project provides a number of screenshots showcasing its features, including the interactive editor, web terminal, and UI.

The motivation behind Dockge was to provide an alternative to existing stack management tools like Portainer, with a focus on improving the user experience and clear error messaging. The developer also wanted to experiment with developing using ES Module + TypeScript.

Bug reports, help, and discussions can be found on the project’s GitHub repository. Users interested in translating Dockge into their language can refer to the Translation Guide provided.

In the FAQ section, the developer explains that “Dockge” is a coinage word created by themselves, inspired by Twitch emotes like sadge, bedge, and wokege. Dockge is primarily designed to manage stacks using compose.yaml files, but users can manage single containers using other tools like Portainer or Docker CLI. It is also possible to manage existing stacks by moving the compose file into the stacks directory and scanning the stacks folder in Dockge.

The developer also mentions more ideas for future improvements, including stats, file manager, app store for yaml templates, app icons, switching Docker context, Dockerfile and build support, and Docker swarm support.

Overall, Dockge is a comprehensive and user-friendly tool for managing Docker compose stacks, providing an intuitive UI and real-time updates for easy management.

Source: Dockge README.