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Netdata Unveils Version v1.44.0 of Monitoring System

Netdata, a popular monitoring system, has released version v1.44.0 with several exciting new features and improvements. This release further solidifies Netdata’s position as a leading monitoring solution for servers, Linux, DevOps, and home labs.

One of the major highlights of this release is the significant improvement in performance, surpassing even Prometheus, a well-known monitoring system. Netdata now includes a new streaming protocol called SLOTS, which allows for more efficient metric streaming between children and parents. This reduces overhead on parents by about 30% without impacting the children. Additionally, Netdata now supports multiple compression algorithms, including ZSTD, GZIP, and BROTLI, with ZSTD being the default choice for its balance between compression ratio and CPU consumption.

Another major addition is the introduction of Gorilla compression, a time series data compression technique developed by Facebook for their time series database. When enabled, Gorilla compression provides a 30% reduction in memory usage for Netdata, making it even more efficient compared to Prometheus.

Netdata now also has improved support for handling large systemd-journal databases, making it more capable of dealing with huge log volumes. The systemd-journal.plugin has been optimized for performance in such environments, providing prompt responses to queries. Netdata’s logs have also been rewritten to log to the systemd-journal, allowing for easy monitoring and analysis using Netdata’s systemd-journal.plugin user interface.

A new utility called log2journal has been introduced in beta, allowing the conversion of log files into structured systemd-journal log entries. This powerful tool supports processing various log formats, including JSON and logfmt logs, and can be used to extract, convert, transform, and send logs to systemd-journal.

Netdata has also expanded its range of functions, offering new ways to visualize and troubleshoot system metrics. These functions leverage the wide range of collectors and metrics available in Netdata, providing insights into disk I/O activity, resource utilization of containers and virtual machines, IPMI sensor readings, disk usage for mount points, network traffic, process resource usage, and more.

In addition to these feature enhancements, Netdata has added new alert notification integrations to Netdata Cloud, including Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) and Telegram. These integrations provide users with more options for receiving alert notifications from Netdata.

It’s worth noting that some changes have been made in this release, including the removal of the charts.d/nut collector, which has been replaced by go.d/upsd. Netdata’s internal metrics are now disabled by default to reduce data volume, and Gorilla compression will be enabled by default in the next release. Some exporters, such as Google Cloud Pub Sub and AWS Kinesis, will be removed in the next release, and database modes map and save will also be eliminated. Furthermore, per-core CPU metrics will be disabled by default to improve performance, and several eBPF.plugin modules have been disabled to optimize system performance.

Overall, Netdata’s v1.44.0 release brings significant improvements in performance, log handling, compression, and functionality, making it an even more powerful and efficient monitoring system for servers, Linux, DevOps, and home labs.

For more details and to download the latest release, visit the Netdata GitHub page.