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K3s Unveils New Version: v1.28.4+k3s1

K3s, a lightweight and highly available Kubernetes distribution, has released version v1.28.4+k3s1. This certified Kubernetes distribution is specifically designed for production workloads in resource-constrained and unattended environments, such as remote locations or IoT appliances. The new release updates Kubernetes to v1.28.4 and includes several fixes for various issues.

Some of the changes and improvements in this release include:

  • Update channels latest to v1.27.7+k3s2
  • Add etcd status condition for easy monitoring of etcd status from each node
  • Automatic discovery of WebAssembly runtimes
  • Improved dualStack log
  • Optimized Dockerfile for simplified installation and runtime
  • Addition of timezone info in the Docker image, enabling the use of spec.timeZone in CronJobs
  • Bumped kine to v0.11.0, resolving issues with postgres and NATS, improving watch channel performance, and enhancing compatibility
  • QoS-class resource configuration for containerd
  • Addition of agent flag disable-apiserver-lb to disable load balance proxy
  • Various bug fixes and improvements

For a full list of changes, please refer to the Kubernetes release notes.

The embedded component versions in this release are as follows:

  • Kubernetes v1.28.4
  • Kine v0.11.0
  • SQLite 3.42.0
  • Etcd v3.5.9-k3s1
  • Containerd v1.7.7-k3s1
  • Runc v1.1.8
  • Flannel v0.22.2
  • Metrics-server v0.6.3
  • Traefik v2.10.5
  • CoreDNS v1.10.1
  • Helm-controller v0.15.4
  • Local-path-provisioner v0.0.24

For more information and resources on K3s, you can visit the official documentation, join the Slack channel, or contribute to the project on GitHub.