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Distrobox 1.6: Streamlined Distro Launching in Your Terminal

Distrobox 1.6 has been released, offering an open-source solution for launching Linux distributions within your terminal. This project, which builds upon Podman and Docker, allows users to create containers of their preferred Linux distribution and seamlessly integrate them with the host environment.

Distrobox has continuously added new features with each release, and version 1.6 is no exception. One notable addition is the support for Lilipod, a simple container manager developed by Luca Di Maio, the lead developer of Distrobox. Lilipod enables users to easily download, unpack, and use OCI images from various container repositories.

In addition to this, Distrobox 1.6 also includes improvements in NVIDIA GPU/driver integration, specifically focusing on CUDA support. The update also brings various enhancements to the init process, refining the experience for initful containers. Now, initful containers support OpenRC where available, offer proper systemd user session support, and come with export fixes. The release also includes numerous bug fixes and other refinements.

Source: Phoronix.