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README Highlight Issue #48, 2023: Traefik

In this week’s issue of README Highlight (#48, 2023), we are taking a look at the following project: Traefik.

Traefik is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer that simplifies the deployment of microservices. It seamlessly integrates with various infrastructure components such as Docker, Swarm mode, Kubernetes, Consul, Etcd, Rancher v2, and Amazon ECS, and automatically configures itself. This makes Traefik the only configuration step you need to connect your microservices to the outside world.

Traditional reverse-proxies require manual configuration of each route connecting paths and subdomains to microservices. However, in an environment where services are frequently added, removed, upgraded, or scaled, maintaining these routes becomes a tedious task. Traefik solves this problem by dynamically generating routes based on the service registry or orchestrator API. This means that Traefik continuously updates its configuration without the need for restarts.

Traefik offers a wide range of features, including support for multiple load balancing algorithms, HTTPS with Let’s Encrypt wildcard certificates, circuit breakers, retry mechanisms, a clean web UI, and compatibility with Websocket, HTTP/2, and gRPC protocols. It also provides metrics and access logs, supports REST APIs, and is packaged as a single binary file. Traefik is available as an official Docker image, making it easy to deploy.

Traefik supports various backends, including Docker, Swarm mode, Kubernetes, and File. It also provides a straightforward quickstart guide in its documentation, which requires Docker to get started.

The web UI of Traefik provides a simple HTML frontend for easy management and monitoring.

The complete documentation of Traefik v2 can be found on their website. There is also a collection of contributions around Traefik available for further exploration.

Community support for Traefik can be obtained through the Traefik community forum. For commercial support, offers assistance via email.

To download Traefik, you can get the latest binary from the releases page or use the official Docker image. Alternatively, you can clone the Traefik repository to get the source code.

Traefik also provides introductory videos on their website for those who want to learn more about its capabilities.

The maintainers of Traefik promote a philosophy of openness and sharing, making it accessible for anyone to contribute to the project. The contribution guidelines and code of conduct can be found in the project’s repository.

Traefik follows a release cycle of approximately 3 to 4 new versions per year. Release candidates are available before the final release, and bug-fixes are released as needed. Each version is supported until the next one is released, following the principles of Semantic Versioning.

Mailing lists are available for general announcements and security announcements.

Overall, Traefik is a powerful tool for managing microservices and simplifying the deployment process. Its wide range of features and seamless integration with various infrastructure components make it a valuable asset for DevOps professionals and home lab enthusiasts.

Source: Traefik README.