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README Highlight Issue #45, 2023: Rclone

In this week’s issue of README Highlight (#45, 2023), we are taking a look at the following project: Rclone.

Rclone is a command-line program designed to sync files and directories to and from various cloud storage providers. It is often referred to as “rsync for cloud storage.” This powerful tool is especially useful for those interested in servers, Linux, DevOps, and home labs.

One of the standout features of Rclone is its extensive list of storage providers. It supports a wide range of providers, including popular options like Amazon S3, Google Drive, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, and many more. In fact, the list of supported providers is so extensive that it is best to refer to the full list on the Rclone website for complete details.

In addition to its broad support for storage providers, Rclone offers a variety of features to enhance file syncing and management. Some of these features include:

  • MD5/SHA-1 hashes checked at all times for file integrity
  • Preservation of timestamps on files
  • Partial syncs for individual files
  • Copy mode to only copy new or changed files
  • Sync mode to make directories identical
  • Check mode to verify file hash equality
  • Ability to sync between different cloud accounts
  • Optional large file chunking, compression, and encryption
  • FUSE mount for easy access to remote files
  • Multi-threaded downloads for faster transfers
  • Ability to serve files over HTTP/WebDAV/FTP/SFTP/DLNA

Rclone provides detailed documentation and installation instructions on its official website. The website also includes a helpful FAQ section, a forum for community support, and a changelog to keep users informed of updates.

For those interested in trying out Rclone, the program is available for download from the official downloads page. Rclone is free software released under the MIT license.

Rclone is a versatile and powerful tool for managing files and syncing data across various cloud storage providers. Its extensive list of storage providers, robust features, and active community make it a top choice for those working with servers, Linux, DevOps, and home labs.

Please note that this summary is based on the information provided in the Rclone README. For more detailed information and the latest updates, it is recommended to visit the official Rclone website.