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Prusa3D Introduces Four New Recycled PLA Filaments with Biobased Pigments

Prusa3D, a leading 3D printing company, has recently launched four new recycled PLA filaments with biobased pigments. This launch comes after the success of their previous recycled filaments, which demonstrated a strong demand for environmentally-friendly 3D printing materials. The company is committed to sustainability and believes that using recycled materials is both beneficial and worthwhile.

The new Prusament rPLA Natural Pigments are unique in that they feature more pleasant and subtle colors, making them suitable for various home decor and similar purposes. The filaments are made using waste materials and organic pigments sourced from food and pharmaceutical industries. This eco-friendly approach to coloring is an excellent alternative to the traditional processes used in filament production.

The first batch of four colors includes:

  1. Prusament rPLA Algae Pigment: This brown filament is made from a byproduct of a Czech company that uses red algae in pharmaceutical production.
  2. Prusament rPLA Wine Pigment: This filament features a unique Bordeaux color derived from grapes. The pigment is obtained from a waste byproduct of the winemaking process.
  3. Prusament rPLA Corn Pigment: This beige/yellowish filament gets its color from processed corn. It is made from recycled corn material.
  4. Prusament rPLA Rissoto Pigment: This filament has a creamy white color and is made from various food leftovers. The material undergoes a complex process to ensure it is free from microorganisms.

Unlike previous recycled filaments, which utilized Prusament manufacturing waste, these new filaments are made purely from recycled materials. The company purchases PLA foil manufacturing waste from an external supplier to create the pellets for the filaments.

The Prusament rPLA Natural Pigments filaments have slightly different properties compared to regular PLA. They are slightly more brittle, making them more suitable for printing visual parts rather than functional ones. The colors may also slightly change over time and with different batches, resulting in unique shades. In terms of printability, these filaments are not particularly difficult to print but require some adjustments. It is recommended to lower the nozzle temperature to avoid stringing and oozing. Additionally, due to the use of organic pigments, a slightly more prominent scent may be noticed during printing, although it is non-toxic. The filament is compatible with popular 3D printers, including Prusa3D’s Original Prusa i3 MK3S+.

To prevent stringing, it is important to keep the filament dry, as the rPLA is more hygroscopic than regular PLA. Storing the filament in a dry box or drying it at 45 °C for 6 hours before printing can help mitigate this issue.

The new Prusament rPLA Natural Pigments filaments are available in 1 kg spools, with each spool costing $30.99 USD/34.99 EUR (including VAT). These filaments offer an eco-friendly and visually appealing option for 3D printing enthusiasts who are conscious of their environmental impact.