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PhotoPrism Unveils New Version of its Photos App: September 23, 2023

PhotoPrism has recently announced the release of their latest version, the September 23, 2023 release. PhotoPrism is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web that utilizes cutting-edge technologies to automatically tag and find pictures without causing any inconvenience. One of the standout features of PhotoPrism is its ability to be run at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.

The most notable addition in this release is the redesigned Places view, which now includes a search box moved to the top and a preview for selected clusters at the bottom. This enhancement allows users to easily navigate and explore their photos. Additionally, PhotoPrism has introduced support for Samsung and Google Motion Photos, enabling users to view them in a similar way to Apple Live Photos after re-indexing their library.

Apart from these major updates, users can also expect several usability improvements, new search filters, and fixes for recently discovered issues. The PhotoPrism team expresses their gratitude to all the contributors who have made this release possible.

Here is a list of the new features and improvements in the latest version:

  • Added a preview image to the Labels tab in the photo edit dialog
  • Reduced padding in mosaic view in favor of larger thumbnails
  • Edit dialog allows pasting latitude and longitude in a single operation
  • Reduced the number of info notifications in the user interface
  • Improved user interface styles, added new “Chrome” and “Mint” themes
  • Added scan:false filter to find photos that are not scans
  • Added favorite:false filter to find pictures not marked as favorites
  • New share preview shows album contents as a stack of Polaroids
  • Fixed preview image URL when sharing album links
  • Current album is preselected when opening the upload dialog
  • Last edited timestamp is updated when pictures are added to albums
  • Fixed an error when reusing the name of a previously deleted person
  • Added cluster view to browse pictures close to each other in an overlay
  • Added support for sub-km distances when searching for locations
  • Added support for the label and category search filters in Places
  • Added map style selector and a scale for comparing distances in Places
  • Added “Delete All” button to permanently delete all archived files
  • Added option for admins to perform index and cache cleanup from the UI in Library
  • Fixed escaping of hash characters in folder names in Library
  • Added support for Samsung Motion Photos in Live Photos
  • Added support for Google Camera Motion Photos in Live Photos
  • Fixed indexing of sidecar video file properties in Live Photos
  • Added support for AMD GPUs in script for Videos
  • Removed deprecated FFmpeg -vsync vfr command flag in Videos
  • Changed the order of field names from which the title is extracted in Metadata
  • Added support for reading fstop favorite flag from XMP sidecar files in Metadata
  • Samsung/Google Motion Photos are now flagged as Live Photos in Metadata
  • Added support for serving HTTP requests over Unix sockets in Config
  • A lower cache duration can now be set for video content in Config
  • Updates are now performed in batches to limit the number of variables in SQLite
  • Added support for user ID ranges 1201-1250 and 2000-2100 in Docker
  • Reduced bcrypt cost for faster login on small devices in Security
  • Go has been updated to the latest stable release v1.21.1 in Security
  • Updated Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) translations

With its latest release, PhotoPrism continues to provide an exceptional user experience for individuals interested in managing their photos with ease.

For more information about PhotoPrism and to download the latest version, visit their release notes or official website.