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Argo CD Releases Version v2.9.0 - Streamlined Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes

Table of Contents

Argo CD, a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes, has announced the release of version v2.9.0. This release includes a total of 368 contributions from 144 contributors, with 73 new features and 59 bug fixes.

Features #

  • Retry logic for Kubernetes client
  • Grace period for repository errors
  • Examples added to help output for admin.go file
  • Examples added to help output for argocd_server.go file
  • ‘Both’ option added for uibannerposition
  • PKCE authentication flow for web logins
  • Example added for generate-allow-list command
  • Examples added to help output for get KEYID command
  • Examples added to help output for “gpg_list” command
  • Examples added to help output for remaining “create PROJECT ROLE-NAME” commands
  • Examples added to argocd proj role cli family
  • Admin-app-example added to cli
  • Project flag added to avoid permission denied errors on 404
  • Notification secrets exposed for request payload templating
  • Git requests made configurable
  • Write back added to application informer
  • Print stderr output from command even on success
  • Examples added to help output for “list PROJECT” command
  • Examples added to help output for “gpg add” command
  • Recursive Helm Values files detection in UI
  • Rate limited queue implemented
  • Examples added to help output for remaining “get APPNAME” commands
  • Repocred-list-example added to cli
  • Cluster-list-example added to cli
  • Examples added to help output for “delete PROJECT ROLE-NAME” command
  • Examples added to projectwindows.go
  • health check added
  • Examples added to help output for “generate-spec PROJECT” command
  • Repo-example added to cli
  • Examples added to help output for “set APPNAME” command
  • Examples added to help output for “logs APPNAME” command
  • Example added to argocd relogin command
  • Examples added to help output for all “argocd proj” commands
  • Example added to help output for bcrypt command
  • fromYaml and fromYamlArray toYaml functions added to appset
  • Example added to help output for app actions command
  • Examples added to help output for remaining “argocd account” commands
  • Examples added to help output for remaining “argocd repocreds” commands
  • Example added to help output for context command
  • Individual e2e tests retried in CI
  • ignoreApplicationDifferences added to appset
  • PushSecret health status and force-sync action implemented
  • AnsibleJob CRD health checks implemented
  • Patches field added to Kustomize
  • Support for AzureDevops Webhooks added to appset
  • Dynamic rebalancing of clusters across shards implemented
  • Tree option added to output flag for app sync, app wait, and app rollback commands
  • Automatically apply extension configs without restarting API-Server
  • Patch_ms and setop_ms timings added to reconciliation logs
  • Button added for wrapping lines in pod logs viewer
  • Option added to output flag for app get and app resources commands for tree view
  • Appset preserve labels and global preserve fields added
  • Haproxy metrics enabled through helm Chart
  • Shorthand flags added for follow and container in app logs command
  • ARGOCD_CLUSTER_CACHE_LIST_PAGE_BUFFER_SIZE environment variable added
  • RBAC validation command now takes either namespace or policy-file
  • Timezone added to projectwindows list
  • Dark theme improvements in UI
  • Auto-sync now handles ‘another operation is already in progress’ error
  • ApplicationSet now deletes Application status
  • Various bug fixes and improvements implemented

For the full changelog and more information, please visit the release-2.8…v2.9.0 comparison.